FEBRUARY 11, 2022

In accordance with Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 4685.8(f), funds have been allocated to regional centers to support implementation of the Self -Determination Program (SDP) for fiscal year 2021-22. The purpose of this letter is to provide guidance on the use of these funds, including required collaboration with local volunteer advisory committees (LVAC) in determining local priorities for the funding.

W&I Code section 4685.8(f) specifies these funds shall be used to maximize the ability of SDP participants to direct their own lives and to ensure the department and regional centers successfully implement the program. The statute further requires that the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), in consultation with stakeholders, including a statewide self-determination advisory workgroup, shall prioritize the use of the funds to meet the need of participants, increase service access and equity, and reduce disparities, and to implement the program, including costs associated with all of the following:

  • Recruitment and training of independent facilitators, with a focus on increasing the number of bilingual, bicultural independent ;
  • Joint training for participants, families, regional centers, LVAC members and others with a focus on training self-advocates and families from diverse communities that are under-represented in the SDP;
  • Assistance with spending plan development; and,
  • Collaborative groups/workshops to foster ongoing, shared learning and problem- solving opportunities.

DDS will provide funding separately to the Statewide Self -Determination Advisory Committee, which plays a key role in providing advice and guidance on successful implementation of the SDP.

The LVACs play an important role in the implementation and oversight of the SDP. Therefore, regional centers and LVACs must work collaboratively to prioritize the use of available funds to meet the needs of participants in their local area. Funds may only be expended after agreement is reached on local needs. See Enclosure 1 for more information on potential uses of the funds, the amount of funding available in each regional center area for fiscal year 2021-22, and suggested steps to determine the use of the funds.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact [email protected].


Original signed by:


Deputy Director

Federal Programs Division


Link to the DDS directive

This DDS directive may be available in other languages.  Here is a link to the DDS website.

Published On: February 11th, 2022 / Categories: DDS Directives /

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