JULY 28, 2022

The purpose of this correspondence is to outline services available to potential Self- Determination Program (SDP) participants and their families who have completed an SDP orientation and who are transitioning to enrollment in the SDP. Enrollment occurs on the date the regional center changes the consumer’s Case Management type to “S” for Self-Determination. The consumer is then considered enrolled in and a participant in the SDP. A potential SDP participant may receive an Initial Person-Centered Plan and/or Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports. For the Initial Person-Centered Plan and/or Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports, the participant must choose from Option A or Option B, described below. Beginning February 1, 2023, only Option B will be available.


 Maintains, through January 31, 2023, the current guidance for the Initial Person- Centered Plan and Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports found in the Department of Developmental Services’ (Department) directives of February 13, 2019, September 3, 2019, October 30, 2020 and July 15, 2021. Information on estimated rates can be found on the Department’s SDP FAQ webpage under “Person-Centered Planning.”


 Available beginning August 1, 2022, and effective February 1, 2023, is the sole option for the Initial Person-Centered Plan and the Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports. As such, effective February 1, 2023, this guidance supersedes the Department’s directives of February 13, 2019, September 3, 2019, October 30, 2020 and July 15, 2021.

Option B separates the Initial Person-Centered Plan from a new service for Pre- Enrollment Transition Supports. It is anticipated that each regional center will work with their local community partners to identify vendors who will provide this service by February 1, 2023, and add those new vendors to the list of vendors on the regional center’s website. The following guidance regarding the Initial Person-Centered Plan and Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports applies to Option B.

Initial Person-Centered Plan

A consumer transitioning into SDP, who has completed an SDP orientation, may request the development of a Person-Centered Plan. A Person-Centered Plan describes what the potential SDP participant wants their life to be like in the future so they can work towards their goals. It is based on their strengths, capabilities, preferences, lifestyle and culture. It can be used to inform the writing of the Individual Program Plan (IPP). Regional centers may purchase and make payment up to $1,000 for the Initial Person-Centered Plan from:

  • Vendored providers of person-centered planning services; or
  • Non-vendored providers who demonstrate they have received training or certification in the person-centered planning/facilitation Payment to non-vendored providers is to be made as a “Purchase Reimbursement” under service code 024.

Regional Centers may increase payment on a case-by-case basis for potential SDP participants whose Initial Person-Centered Plan requires more time due to a lack of natural supports to assist with the enrollment process, when the preferred language is other than English, or when there is a higher level of service need as a result of their disability. Payment may be made only after the regional center receives the invoice that shows a written Initial Person-Centered Plan has been delivered as agreed to by the potential SDP participant.

Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports

Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports are offered in a variety of ways which do not require a vendored service provider:

  • Regional center service coordinators assist individuals and families with the transition.
  • Regional centers work with their Self-Determination Local Volunteer Advisory Committee to identify or contract for local transition Funding information can be found in the Department’s guidance of February 11, 2022.
  • Regional center Participant Choice Specialists assist individuals pursuing self-direction through the SDP.

For potential SDP participants who need additional transition supports, a new vendored service is available called “Self-Directed (SD) Supports,” service code 099, and is split between General Self-Directed (General SD) Supports and Financial Management Services Self-Directed (FMS SD) Supports. Regional centers may authorize SD Supports, in total, for up to 40 hours. Additional hours may be authorized on a case-by-case basis for potential SDP participants (see Enclosure).

General SD Supports are authorized to be provided after SDP orientation and before a potential SDP participant is enrolled in the SDP. This service is for any assistance, coaching and/or training supports needed by a potential SDP participant and their family or their representative to successfully enroll in SDP. This does not include supports related to developing an Initial Person-Centered Plan. In vendoring new providers for this service, regional centers must use service code 099. See Enclosure for detailed information about General SD Supports.

FMS SD Supports are authorized to be provided after SDP orientation and before a potential SDP participant is enrolled in the SDP. This does not include supports related to developing an Initial Person-Centered Plan. This service may only be provided by FMS agencies serving SDP participants. In vendoring providers for this service, regional centers must use service code 099. See Enclosure for detailed information about FMS SD Supports.

Potential SDP participants are not required to have either a Person-Centered Plan or use SD Supports to enroll in SDP. While billing of these services is to be identified separately, the process of carrying out Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports should feel seamless to the potential SDP participant.

If participants or their families have questions regarding this correspondence, they should contact their regional center service coordinator and if Regional Centers have questions, they should contact [email protected].


Original signed by:


Deputy Director

Federal Programs Division


Link to the DDS directive

This DDS directive may be available in other languages.  Here is a link to the DDS website.

Published On: July 27th, 2022 / Categories: DDS Directives /

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