April 26, 2023

Per the Department of Developmental Services’ (Department) directive issued on December 21, 2018, a Financial Management Service (FMS) may not charge a monthly rate in excess of the maximum rates posted on the Department’s website. Per the Department directive issued on July 27, 2022, FMS fees are paid by the Self- Determination Program (SDP) participant’s regional center outside of the SDP participant’s individual budget.

Effective May 1, 2023, the Department has established new maximum monthly rates (enclosed) to be paid to FMS providers for services provided to participants in the SDP. Previously, the FMS monthly rates were based on the total number of services listed in the spending plan. The enclosed FMS monthly rates are based on the total number of employees and providers listed in the SDP participant’s spending plan. Only individuals directly employed by the FMS or participant are part of this total – it does not apply to employees of providers paid by the FMS.

Determination of FMS Rate

The FMS rate is determined using the total number of employees (full and part-time) and providers reflected in the SDP participant’s spending plan. If the number of employees and providers changes for a period longer than three months, the FMS shall request an updated spending plan from the participant indicating the change in the total number of employees and providers; and notify the regional center of the change. The regional center shall update the monthly rate paid to the FMS provider accordingly.

Rates for Participants Whose Preferred Language is Not English

Regional centers should use the rates reflected in the table “Rates for Participants Whose Preferred Language is Not English” when the preferred language of the participant, supporting family member, legal representative, or an authorized representative supporting the individual’s participation in the SDP is not English.

“Building Partnerships, Supporting Choices”

If SDP participants or their families have questions regarding this correspondence, they should contact their regional center service coordinator. Questions from FMS providers should be directed to the appropriate regional center contact person. Questions from regional centers should be directed to [email protected].


Original Signed by:


Deputy Director

Policy and Program Development Division


Link to the DDS directive


This DDS directive may be available in other languages.  Here is a link to the DDS website.

Published On: April 26th, 2023 / Categories: DDS Directives /

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