June 30, 2023

The Department of Developmental Services’ (Department) July 28, 2022 guidance outlined the services available to potential Self-Determination Program (SDP) participants and their families who have completed an SDP orientation and who are transitioning to enrollment in the SDP. The Department issued additional guidance on December 2, 2022 to extend the dates for both Options A and B (described below) for Self-Directed Supports and to develop a standardized vendorization packet. The standardized vendorization packet was provided in the March 20, 2023 guidance.

  • Option A: Availability of up to $2,500 for initial person-centered planning and transition supports through purchase reimbursement (service code 024) or through a vendored provider of person-centered planning services.
  • Option B: Availability of up to $1,000 for initial person-centered planning services through purchase reimbursement (service code 024) and up to 40 hours of Self- Directed Supports (service code 099).

The purpose of this correspondence is to provide a final extension date for Option A, to allow additional time for regional centers to vendor providers of Self-Directed Supports (service code 099), and to clarify the billing requirements for pre-enrollment transition supports accessed through Option A for the duration of the extension. Other means to ensure the timely enrollment of interested consumers into SDP may include supports provided directly by the regional center or through SDP funds made available to the Local Volunteer Advisory Committees.

Final Extension of Options for Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports

  • Option A shall remain an available option only until December 31,
  • Effective January 1, 2024, Option A will no longer be available, nor will any other option that mirrors Option A as described in the July 28, 2022
  • Option B shall remain an available option and will become the sole option effective January 1, 2024.

Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports Billing Requirements

For services provided on or after July 1, 2023, under Option A or Option B, all initial person-centered planning services and transition supports paid through purchase reimbursement (service code 024) shall meet the billing requirements specified below.

Invoices for purchase reimbursements shall include at minimum, the following (see enclosure for sample template):

  • Hourly billing rate
  • Date that each service/task is provided
  • Description of the service/task performed
  • Amount of time spent on each service/task provided for the time period of the invoice and the prorated cost of that service

If participants and/or their families have questions regarding this correspondence, they should contact their regional center. Questions from regional centers should be directed to [email protected].


Original Signed by:


Deputy Director

Policy and Program Development Division Enclosure


Link to the DDS directive


This DDS directive may be available in other languages.  Here is a link to the DDS website.

Published On: June 30th, 2023 / Categories: DDS Directives /

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