Typical expenses that may be included in the employer burden are:

DDS Mandated

  • Electronic Visit Verification Compliance
  • Costs associated with background checks
  • Decide skills needed and job description development (helps ensure compliance with labor laws)
  • Verification of worker’s eligibility for employment

Regional Center Mandated

  • Specific contract requirements from the regional center

Direct Expenses

  • Salary/Wages

Indirect Expenses

  • Employer insurance (Liability insurance, Worker’s Compensation)
  • Legal compliance
  • Health insurance, if offered
  • Paid leave (FMLA, sick time, paid time off)
  • Legally required contributions
    (Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance-state and federal)
  • Other technology
  • Training
  • Negotiated benefits in the employment package between you and your employee
  • Other expenses, not mentioned

California Mandated

  • California mandated retirement