The Choice Is Easy

This is more than a business relationship. Dromen values collaborative, relationship-driven partnerships, embodying a positive and inclusive approach to support our clients.


This model of FMS service may be selected when the participant desires to share some of the employer roles and responsibilities with an FMS. While the FMS provider in this model is the employer of record, the participant maintains the ability to hire and terminate employees with input from the FMS provider. The FMS provider maintains the primary employer liability and required insurances. The FMS also assists by verifying provider qualifications and processing payroll. Co-employer model will have Dromen as the employer of record.

Dromen’s duties as a Co-Employer:

  • Pays for items and services identified in the spending plan from businesses or vendors.
  • Verifies provider has passed background checks.
  • Verifies worker qualifications.
  • Processes payroll to pay worker.
  • Pays required government taxes.
  • Obtains tax reporting number.
  • Files all tax reporting.
  • Obtains liability insurance.
  • Provides Workman’s Compensation Insurance.
  • Verifies services are HCBS compliant.
  • Provides monthly spending reports to participant and regional center.
  • Arranges for needed background checks.
  • Verify worker’s eligibility for employment.

Client’s duties as a Co-Employer:

  • Schedules the worker
  • Supervises the worker.
  • Approves timesheets.
  • Interview applicants.
  • Approves employees for hire.
  • Terminates employees.

Shared duties as Co-Employers:

  • Makes sure the participant has funds for the entire year.
  • Decide skills needed for service providers.
Stan Briones

Client Specialist

Start with the Why:

We know what we do; why we do it is so much more important.

Bill Payer

This model of FMS service may be selected when goods or services are purchased from a business. The FMS providing services in this capacity writes checks and pays for goods and services listed in the IPP and or PCP. No employer/employee relationship exists between the FMS, the service provider, or the participant. The business is responsible to provide the items or workers and the FMS provider writes the check for the goods or services provided. The business or vendor providing the item/service maintains the employer/employee relationship with any workers and therefore is responsible for all applicable employment laws and taxes and to obtain appropriate insurances (i.e., worker’s compensation).

Shared duties as Bill Payer:

  • Each person makes sure the participant has funds for the entire year.

Client’s duties as a Bill Payer:

  • Provides appropriate documents for vendor or business onboarding.

  • Provides approved invoices to Dromen for payment.

Dromen’s duties as a Bill Payer:

  • Pays for items and services identified in the spending plan from businesses or vendors.

  • Provides monthly spending reports to the participant and regional center.

Let’s Make Things Happen For You

This is more than a business relationship.

Dromen values collaborative, relationship-driven partnerships, embodying a positive and inclusive approach to support our client’s goals.

Stan Briones
Client Specialist

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